Healthspan Elite recently hosted some high profile discussions covering the issue of Doping in Rugby, featuring Stephen Watkins (RFU Anti-Doping Manager), Dr. Graeme Close (Nutrition Consultant to Elite Rugby) and Alix Popham (ex-Wales International).
The sport is the worst offender when it comes to testing results in the UK, with rugby union and rugby league occupying the top two positions on the UK Anti-Doping sanctions list.
The panel discuss a number of topics including:
- The need for qualified staff and education
- The nutritionist's approach
- Is doping for body image or performance?
- What is being done to stop doping in rugby?
Healthspan Elite is a Nutrition Partner of Scottish Rugby, Edinburgh Rugby, Glasgow Warriors, in addition to partnerships with other elite sporting bodies including Team Sky, Southampton FC, British Sailing, Sport Wales and The English Institute of Sport.
Chaired by David Slemen, MD of Elite Performance Partners and ex professional rugby player.
- Stephen Watkins, RFU Anti-Doping Manager
- Alix Popham, ex Wales international
- Dr. Graeme Close, Nutrition consultant to elite rugby, ex pro rugby league player
- Chris Fisher, Head of Healthspan Elite