Find out all about magnesium - an essential mineral that’s important in almost every function within the body.
Nutritionist Rob Hobson explores the benefits of omega-3 supplements in performance sport, and their potential to be used as an ergogenic aid.
Read our nutrient guide to Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): a naturally occurring Omega 6 fatty acid.
The food we eat each day impacts many physiological processes that can affect the way we perform, both mentally and physically.
Dr James Morton explains the potential benefits of quercetin: a flavonoid that is found naturally in food in small amounts.
Sustaining an injury is difficult and frustrating for any athlete, and for many it is tempting to overindulge. This may not be ideal for rapid recovery.
Our understanding of the role that vitamin D can play in sport seems to be expanding at a dramatic rate. Find out more here.
Find out if Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is another fad or could actually have some beneficial uses for athletes.